Finished our exam this morning.. I swear my entire floor is sleeping, none of them seems to have slept this week.. me I've been sleeping at least 6 to 7 hrs each day so no worries there.. So I'm sitting here all alone( with 3 other sleeping ppl in my room) no one wants to wake up.. even pancakes couldnt entice anyone of them to wake up.. thats how beat they are.. anyways hoping it will snow today so we can play in the snow tmrw.. but it hasnt started snowing yet so I'm not holding out too much hope .. posting pics from earlier this week, when the little one decided to play in the snow without me..

Div,sak and syahira sure weren't cold that day..

she sure was loving the snow..

We had our last bio lecture of the sem last week.. and only 23 out of 100 over bothered to show up.. bue most that did were studying other stuff..or sleeping.

mira and afni took advantage of the break to lie down and do some reading.

div just took a nap.. me I was too busy talking hehe..
ok have some vids but havent had the time to upload them yet.. YouTube now has ad's
dont know how that works yet.. will tryit out tmrw and c..