Sunday, December 16, 2007

new vidsss

this we took when it first started snowing.

n guess wat when we got to magnit it was closed.

dancing santa

the view outside my histo class..

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


first vid is of th beautiful clouds..

the second one is of the snow fall in Volgo

from our classroom.

swollen finger

never thought of it, but it seems netball is a more dangerous gam than basketball.

managed hurt my fingere really bad . its swollen now. The joint looks kind of awkward.

the finger is straight by the way..
the worst that's happened to me playing basketball
was a sprained ankle. This sucks coz I cant write now..
Having trouble in classes.

new frens

had a little meeting the other day with a group of fellow students in our uni,
the idea was to fosteer more of an understanding among the foreign and Russian
students, dont have all the pics, only have 2 with the girls who I befriended.
with me are Julia (left) and anya and ulya.
dont know the girl between me and Anya.

Anya and Ivan , Ivan wore traditional Chinese suit
of sorts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

photos of praznik

this was during the Raya and deepavale celebrations.

me and Afni

my group, as usual trying to beat up Ivan

me and Bala

me and mira as well my new rommie Nurul

me and the "seniors"
BJ and Li

me and Tash... she looks pretty right... pity she's short HAHAHA.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Marathon 2

now the pictures of those of us that finished running .... and of course of the rest of us
just joining in the fun...

this was the sight before the start.. alot of crazy ppl who actually getup on sunday,
to run 6-12 KM ... man did I regret it.

all of us who got up..

those that a ctually finished running.

those that were only there for the T-shirt..
for U sis.

after an exhausting run Fishy needed Dev to carry her home.
but all in all it was fun.. I'll post a vid of a crazy russian guy dancing on youtube...
go check my account there.. user name is Bahanee..

marathon video

this is a vid of those of us who signed up for the 6 KM cross country

but could only manage to run 2 KM's .

Yours truly managed only 1 b4 I gave up.. man in bad shape after the

summer break.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

back to class

my group in bio chem class

the flowers in the parks

a wedding party in the long hummer

and sempena hari Merdeka I put up a flag outside
my window. The jalur gemilang looks good anywhere..

getting to Russia

me and mom on the way to the airport

we stopped by to have lunch with my sis and bro-in law..


the new addition to my family my Ani with aka

in the plane there were a lot of md students
from Moscow also from my uni
met a lot of frens there

me and afni

SIA is comfortable ..Su ann slept well
the view was nice

this was the view from Demodedovo

this was like a couple of weeeks ago but I've been busy settling in
will post more pics later.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Aka the pics you wanted

aka these are for you.

you guys .

our family

one with surens family as well.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My bro's wedding

ahhhh finally its over my bro's wedding is over, now we can all rest. Man I sure had a short fuse this past week I lost my cool so many times people started avoiding me. I was just stressed a bit I think.. anyways I'm only going to post a few pics here .Feel like sleeping so this is all I can post today..

this was me trying to figure out whether the flowers were real or not..

me and my dad..

the bride and groom with my parents..

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


AND AT ONLY RM69.90....

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm home

I've been home for about a week now..
enjoyed my birthday party, but ended up having my ankle
swollen again.. got to get to the doctor soon..
some pics from my birthday but the pics are kind of bad coz my bro forgot to
change the setttings on the camera which was set to low..

lynn and Ivan's twin(who is just like him, not in looks only but in behaviour as well)
the lya ladies..

jeath Was fashionably late

me , lynn and sengal

posing with the groom and the groom

me and Ivan

My brothers future wife and her sisters as well as my cousins

all of us..and afni's sister

ok didnt manage to get one with my parents.. I'll get it later..

Monday, July 02, 2007

2 down 2 to go

ok I've gotten pass 2 exams... now i have 2 more to go..
Hope fully alll goes well and I can return home on the 12th..
Anyways my Shock have lost 2 games in a row I'm sooo sad..
At least Justine is winning bright part of my day..
Hehe gonna go hit the books again.. cant post any pics coz I'm
using a cybercafe now.. the internet in the hostel is down...
sad sad..

Friday, June 29, 2007

Last blog till I get home

Ok my internet will officially be down starting the 1st of July so this will be my last blog till I get home I think..
Anyways passed my Chem , just have latin, Bio and Physics to go then I get to fly home..
happy 14 more days..
Shock are still winning , Justine is playing great, so I hope this will be the case when I check back next time..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Crunch time

Ok exams will start in 10 days... not very well prepared yet.. but should pass I think..

anyways the WNBA season is underway and as usual I'm loving it.. Just wish I could watch more games..
My team the Shock are of to a good start(8-1)..
KS is playing great...
she'll startr the all-star game .. I think....

the pic below is of the Russian department of my uni..